Tuesday, 24 March 2015

Exclusively yours

There are times when it gets to late afternoon, and you're thinking about the end of the working day, and the journey home, and then you get an excited Boss poking his head round the door shoving bits of paper in your face shouting "We've got 'em, we've got 'em at last, quick get this on the blog now!"
And then you see what he's on about, and slowly a broad grin spreads across your face, might be a bit late home tonight, because of these brand new Exclusive dies.

Now the more observant among you will possibly already know about these, but for those who don't allow me to expand a little.

Through some tough negotiations, arm twisting, sweetie buying and cajoling, we've finally been able to get our hands on both the UK Exclusives Spellbinders releases, not only that, but USA Exclusive releases too. Below are just a few of the new dies we're getting.

These aren't actually available to the General Public, or us too for that matter, so we've reserved a few, well quite a lot really, and they will be available on the web site as a pre-release order.

I'll update more as I get to know more, prices, dates etc etc etc.

Spellbinders SCD032 - Papel Eat Cake die
Spellbinders SCD032 - Papel Eat Cake

SpellbindersSCD033 - Papel Party die
Spellbinders SCD033 - Papel Party

SpellbindersSCD034 - Papel Birthday die
Spellbinders SCD034 - Papel Birthday

SpellbindersSCD035 - Papel Celebrate - die
Spellbinders SCD035 - Papel Celebrate

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